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ZZ Top

23 March 1983

Wikipedia Discogs

Library Status Complete FLAC 16bit/44.1khz

'Eliminator' is the eighth studio album by ZZ Top. It is their most commercially successful release, with sales of 11 million and diamond certification in the U.S.

TheBigBlack Review
(11 May 2024)

Rating - 4 Stars

Album #8 for ZZ Top was the one that finally made them a household name. They had been around for close to 15 years at this point, but their southern soaked whiskey blues had never been much more than a slight blip on the radar of the mainstream charts. The band took some chances with the album, most noticeably with the synthesised guitar tones and the lack of the usual boogie blues. It paid off, producing four hit singles. Although some of the production choices are a little dated today, the crisp punchy mix means it still sounds great. 'Gimmie All Your Lovin'' opens with a bang, and although many great rock albums start with a recognisable and legendary guitar riff, very few can say the same about a drum beat. Moving through now-rock classics like 'Got Me Under Pressure' and 'Sharp Dressed Man', the album still demonstrates the ZZ style well, even if it is a little more. 'new wave' than previous albums. Most songs are also quite obviously faster in tempo than their older works, probably yet another move to get radio play. Although the second side still had some great tunes, the album definitely suffers from front-loading, with all its best (and most modern sounding) tracks up front. This is not say the second half isn't worth listening to, but the tracks certainly feel more like a throwback to the band's earlier sound. The Top continued down the synthesised trail for a couple more albums until they had done all they could with the sound, returning to their more traditional blues style in the early 1990s.
(1/1) 1.
ZZ Top - Gimme All Your Lovin' (03:59)
(1/1) 2.
ZZ Top - Got Me Under Pressure (03:58)
(1/1) 3.
ZZ Top - Sharp Dressed Man (04:13)
(1/1) 4.
ZZ Top - I Need You Tonight (06:14)
(1/1) 5.
ZZ Top - I Got The Six (02:51)
(1/1) 6.
ZZ Top - Legs (04:34)
(1/1) 7.
ZZ Top - Thug (04:16)
(1/1) 8.
ZZ Top - T.V. Dinners (03:50)
(1/1) 9.
ZZ Top - Dirty Dog (04:03)
(1/1) 10.
ZZ Top - If I Could Only Flag Her Down (03:39)
(1/1) 11.
ZZ Top - Bad Girl (03:14)

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