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Invincible Shield

Judas Priest
Invincible Shield

10 March 2024
Heavy Metal

Wikipedia Discogs

Library Status Complete FLAC 16bit/44.1khz Digital

'Invincible Shield' is the nineteenth studio album by Judas Priest. It was produced by the band's touring guitarist Andy Sneap, who also produced 2018's 'Firepower'.

TheBigBlack Review
(16 March 2024)

Rating - 3 Stars

When a band hits its 50th anniversary, you generally don't expect them to have much of a fire burning in their collective belly anymore. Judas Priest have proven that isn't always the case, with each recent album topping the one before - and Invincible Shield doesn't disappoint either. This is an album that sounds like it was made by an angry young band with something to prove, not a bunch 70+ year old men that have earned the right to slow down. It is almost unfathomable how Rob Halford can still sing the way he does at the age he is, as the entire album smashes everything in its way and leaves devastation in its wake. Opener 'Panic Attack' starts the album at a walking pace, but within a minute or so builds to a gallop, and moments later the album has already hit its top speed - and it likes to run fast. No one has reinvented anything here, and after 50 years. something about if it ain't broke? What Judas Priest does do though is use every trick in their arsenal to keep the listener nailed to their chair. 'The Serpent And The King' is a riff-fest with Halford moving through multiple vocal styles, and the title track provides many a fist-in-the-air stadium moments. The album ends on one of its (few) slower moments, with 'Giants In The Sky' plodding to a finish in a similar style to the band's 80's heyday. All in all, there is not much for a metal fan not to like here, and even if you aren't a fan of the band, it would be hard to fault the album much at all.
(1/1) 1.
Judas Priest - Panic Attack (05:26)
(1/1) 2.
Judas Priest - The Serpent And The King (04:20)
(1/1) 3.
Judas Priest - Invincible Shield (06:21)
(1/1) 4.
Judas Priest - Devil In Disguise (04:47)
(1/1) 5.
Judas Priest - Gates Of Hell (04:38)
(1/1) 6.
Judas Priest - Crown Of Horns (05:46)
(1/1) 7.
Judas Priest - As God Is My Witness (04:37)
(1/1) 8.
Judas Priest - Trial By Fire (04:21)
(1/1) 9.
Judas Priest - Escape From Reality (04:25)
(1/1) 10.
Judas Priest - Sons Of Thunder (02:59)
(1/1) 11.
Judas Priest - Giants In The Sky (05:04)

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